Hillwalking at the Beach of Quiaios
(Cabo Mondego, Figueira da Foz, Portugal)
Meeting Nature at Quiaios-Beech (Praia de Quiaios)
A systemic view.
During year we will undertake small walks at the beach of Quiaios and along the hillsides of Serra da Boaviagem. We will observe animals and plants at Praia de Quiaios. :
- the species and habitats of plants and animals
- the diverse habitats and ecosystems of these species under systemic aspects
Fig. 1 - The Beach of Quiaios (Praia de Quiaios) seen from Cabo Mondego
The Cabo Mondego and the Dunes of Mira, Gândara and Gafanhas, at the extreme occident of Europe, show a rich spectrum of ecosystems and habitats of great ecological value.
Fig. 2 - Cabo Mondego and the Dunes of Mira, Gândara and Gafanhas ( PTCON0055 )
The following list of natural and semi-natural habitats of the Council Directive 92/43/EEC, included in the Plano Sectorial da Rede Natura 2000, is furnished by the ICNB (Instituto da Conservação da Natureza e da Biodiversidade) for the Dunes of Mira, Gândara and Gafanhas.
1. COASTAL AND HALOPHYTIC HABITATS 11. Open sea and tidal areas 12. Sea cliffs and shingle or stony beaches |
Reefs. |
Annual vegetation of drift lines. |
Vegetated sea cliffs |
2. COASTAL SAND DUNES AND INLAND DUNES 21. Sea dunes of the Atlantic, North Sea and Baltic coasts 22. Sea dunes of the Mediterranean coast |
Embryonic shifting dunes |
Shifting dunes along the shoreline with Ammophila arenaria ('white dunes') |
* Fixed coastal dunes with herbaceous vegetation ('grey dunes') |
* Atlantic decalcified fixed dunes ( Calluno-Ulicetea ) |
Dunes with Salix repens ssp. argentea ( Salicion arenariae ) |
Humid dune slacks |
Cisto-Lavenduletalia dune sclerophyllous scrubs |
* Wooded dunes with Pinus pinea and/or Pinus pinaster |
3. FRESHWATER HABITATS 31. Standing water 32. Running water - sections of water courses with natural or semi-natural dynamics (minor, average and major beds) where the water quality shows no significant deterioration |
Oligotrophic waters containing very few minerals of sandy plains ( Littorelletalia uniflorae ) |
Natural eutrophic lakes with Magnopotamion or Hydrocharition - type vegetation |
Rivers with muddy banks with Chenopodion rubri p.p. and Bidention p.p. vegetation |
Constantly flowing Mediterranean rivers with Paspalo-Agrostidion species and hanging curtains of Salix and Populus alba |
European dry heaths |
5. SCLEROPHYLLOUS SCRUB (MATORRAL) 52. Mediterranean arborescent matorral 53. Thermo-Mediterranean and pre-steppe brush |
* Arborescent matorral with Laurus nobilis |
Thermo-Mediterranean and pre-desert scrub |
6. NATURAL AND SEMI-NATURAL GRASSLAND FORMATIONS 61. Rupicolous calcareous or basophilic grasslands 62. Semi-natural dry grasslands and scrubland facies 64. Semi-natural tall-herb humid meadows |
Rupicolous calcareous or basophilic grasslands of the Alysso - Sedion albi. Habitat group: grasslands. |
Semi-natural dry grasslands and scrubland facies on calcareous substrates ( Festuco-Brometalia ) (* important orchid sites) |
Mediterranean tall humid grasslands of the Molinio-Holoschoenion |
Hydrophilous tall herb fringe communities of plains and of the montane to alpine levels |
8. ROCKY HABITATS AND CAVES 82. Rocky slopes with chasmophytic vegetation 83. Other rocky habitats |
Calcareous rocky slopes with chasmophytic vegetation |
Submerged or partially submerged sea caves |
9. FORESTS 91. Forests of Temperate Europe |
* Alluvial forests with Alnus glutinosa and Fraxinus excelsior ( Alno-Padion , Alnion incanae , Salicionalbae ) |
Riparian mixed forests of Quercus robur , Ulmus laevis and Ulmus minor , Fraxinus excelsior or Fraxinusangustifolia , along the great rivers ( Ulmenion minoris ) |
Salix alba and Populus alba galleries |
With blue background color: prioritary habitats |
There exists, at the western limit of Europe, a dune landscape with litoral and arborized dunes where you can find endemic plants, as for example the Portuguese Crawberry (Corema alba) of the Empetraceae family, whose white berries are edible.
Fig 3a - The Portuguese Crawberry (Corema album ) at the Grey dunes
of Praia de Quiaios
Fig 3b - Wooded dunes with Maritime Pines ( Pinus pinaster )
and Stone Pines ( Pinus pinea )
The Eastern limit of the beach of Quiaios is formed by a small chain of hillsides, the Serra da Boaviagem , where you can find plants in the transition between Atlantic and Mediterranean Flora. There a rich sites with orchids (habitat 6210 ) and dwarf forms of plants, well adapted to the strong sea winds. Also, especially at the upper parts of the hillsides, where fog is more frequent contributing to an elevate humidity, you can find an interesting and unique plant community.
Fig. 4 - Pulicaria odora - species from the Compositae family
Fig. 5a,b,c - Iberis procumbens ?ssp. microcarpa
Fig. 6 - Armeria welwitschii
The Cabo Mondego which forms the southern limit of the Beach of Quiaios, is an important geological site, in 2007 declared as a Natural Monument, with rich fossil documentation and an undisturbed stratification from the Middle and Upper Jurassic Period.
To the North of the Beach of Quiaios we find extensive dune landscapes with white and grey dunes and arborized dunes, the Dunas de Gândara, Mira e Gafanhas .
The Atlantic Ocean around Cabo Mondego is often wild and dangerous - but it leaves impressions of beauty to everyone who loves nature.
Fig. 7 - Cabo Mondego during winter
Fig. 8 - The reefs of Cabo Mondego
Fig. 8a - Fossils from Cabo Mondego
Fig. 8b - Fossils from Cabo Mondego
South from Cabo Mondego we find the Estuary of the Mondego river. This estuary does not belong to the region of dunes of Gândara, Gafanha and Mira. But as the distance is short from beach of Quiaios to the estuary, we will undertake excursions to the Isle of Murraceira at the mouth of Mondego river. This isle is surrounded by two arms of Mondego river, a northern and a southern arm. The southern arm has rich salt marshes and you can find salt evaporation ponds and other extensive agricultural and aquaculture activities. In this region exists a rich halophytic vegetation - and waders as stilts ( Himantopus himantopus ), flamingos ( Phoenicopterus roseus ) and other birds specialized for living in low salt water and brackish waters, can be found here.
Marshland south from Ilha da Murraceira
The Mondego bridge
An old wind mill
Extraction of salt
Flamingos in abandoned salt evaporation ponds
Wooden "palheiros" where extracted salt is stored
Walks: 2
- (I) Praia de Quiaios e da Murtinheira (Caminhadas/Partida: C@fé-Gelataria "Quiaios-Praia")
- (II) As dunas móveis da Praia de Quiaios (Caminhada/Partida: C@fé-Gelataria "Quiaios-Praia")
- (III) As dunas consolidadas da Praia de Quiaios (Caminhada/Partida: C@fé-Gelataria "Quiaios-Praia")
- (IV) As falésias e recifes do Cabo Mondego (Caminhada/Partida: C@fé-Gelataria "Quiaios-Praia")
- Caminhada (IVa) - Pelo Cabo Mondego até ao Mirador da Bandeira (3-4h)
- Caminhada (IVb) - Da Pedra da Nau até Buarcos (3-4h)
- (V) A encosta da Serra de Boaviagem - (Caminhada/Partida: C@fé-Gelataria "Quiaios-Praia")
- Caminhada (Va) - Encosta da Serra até ao moinho de água (Quiaios) (3-4h)
- Caminhada (Vb) - Encosta da Serra pela Casa dos Cogumelos (3-4h)
- Caminhada (Vc) - Encosta da Serra até ao mirador "A Bandeira" (3-4h)
- Caminhada (Vd) - Encosta da Serra à procura de fósseis pelo Vale de Anta (3-4h)
- Caminhada para o Moinho de vento do Pardal (1h)
- (VI) As Lagoas (Caminhada/Partida: C@fé-Gelataria "Quiaios-Praia")
- (VII) Estuário do Mondego (3-4h – Caminhada/Partida: C@fé-Gelataria "Quiaios-Praia")
- (VII) Estudos sobre dinâmica de sistemas (1h – Palestra: C@fé-Gelataria "Quiaios-Praia")
- (VIII) Resume de palestras de Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker sobre a questão "Para onde nós nos dirigimos e o que devemos fazer? " (1h – Palestra: C@fé-Gelataria "Quiaios-Praia")
http://www.panoramio.com/user/199980 |
http://www.panoramio.com/user/1601996 |
Maria da Assunção Ferreira Pedrosa de Araújo: Geomorfologia Litoral http://web.letras.up.pt/asaraujo/seminario/Aula7.htm |
Fixação e Arborização das Dunas do Litoral http://www.drapc.min-agricultura.pt/base/documentos/fixacao_dunas.htm |
Biogeografia de Portugal Continental https://woc.uc.pt/fluc/getFile.do?tipo=2&id=915 |
The Coastal Vegetation of the Portuguese Divisory sector: Dune cliffs and Low-Scrub Communities http://www.ceg.ul.pt/finisterra/numeros/2000-69/69_04.pdf (Esta publicação é a mais importante para conhecer os releves de comunidades florísticas da zona e constitui uma inestimável ajuda para uma orientação aprofundada sobre a flora costeira do Cabo Mondego.) |
COSTA, J.C. (2001) – Tipos de vegetação e adaptações das plantas do litoral dePortugal continental. In Albergaria Moreira, M.E., A. Casal Moura, H.M. Granja & F. Noronha (ed.) Homenagem (in honorio) Professor Doutor Soares de Carvalho: 283-299. Braga. Universidade do Minho. (Um trabalho didáctico importante sobre adaptações ecológicas de plantas nas zonas costeiras) |
XXXII: Aditamentos à vegetação do Sector Divisório-Português http://www.scielo.oces.mctes.pt/pdf/slu/v10n1/10n1a09.pdf |
http://www1.ci.uc.pt/invasoras/ |
http://www.rjb.csic.es/floraiberica/ (A Flora Iberica não está ainda completada, mas encontra-se aqui já a mais exaustiva informação sobre a Flora ibérica, disponível em formato pdf. A consulta e os downloads dos diversos taxa podem ser feitas a partir da página web da Flora Iberica. Mais uma vez obrigado por esta generosidade dos autores desta obra maravilhosa!) |
http://www.fauna-iberica.mncn.csic.es/index.php |
http://www.jb.utad.pt/pt/herbario/cons_reg.asp |
Herbário da Universidade de Coimbra http://www.uc.pt/herbario_digital |
Convenção Ramsar http://www.ramsar.org/ |
Veja também: |
o blog: Fotofigueira |
o blog: Casa do sal |
o blog: Flora da Serra da Boaviagem |
Inscrições : Associação Trilhos d'Esplendor – PRCT Pavilhão Terreiro 2/3, Praia de Quiaios – Rua da Praia. 3080-515 Figueira da Foz. Mais Informações : Tel. 967460855 e por email: horst.engels@gmail.com
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